Hammond Memorabilia


B-3 Postcard
(Large file)


B-3 Postcard (back)
(Large file)

1939 Hammond model E pamphlet (United Kingdom)
(Large files)


Middle pages

Please download the files by right-clicking and selecting 'save as'. Just clicking will not work because of the file sizes.


1963 Hammond model D-152 magazine ad

Here is a 1963 magazine ad introducing the new D-100 series. There are two versions - one for just viewing on the screen and a larger file for creating a cool poster for your music room or workshop.


For screen viewing


Very large file for printing

1984 Hammond 50th anniversary booklet (very large file)


Hammond A-101 ownership certificate

Back in the day, you got a nice certificate with your Hammond organ. It came in a gold coloured envelope along with the instruction booklet. Scans kindly donated by Eric Benson in California, USA.


Playing/preset key care guide

Instruction sheet supplied by Hammond in the early 60's on how to care for your organ keys. Scan supplied by Eric Benson.

Hammond Service Policy

This publication was made for Hammond service providers in Canada.

1930's magazine US magazine advert

Small file for viewing on screen

Very large file for printing (Tiff)

Click picture to download (large Tiff file)

Preset panel directions card

I'm not sure when this practice started, but most Hammond console organs I have seen included a card explaining how to set up the preset panel. If your console didn't come with one, or if yours is damaged, you can download a copy here.