Hammond-Suzuki's official website
The official website of Hammond-Suzuki - the company currently producing Hammond organs and Leslie speakers. Check out the new products - including the new B-3.
Geoff Williamson's Foldback Page
I guess it's a bit embarrasing that I haven't had much about how to add foldback to a spinet here on these pages, considering my nickname. My good friend Geoff Willamson from Mirboo North, South-Eastern Australia, has put a lot of effort into creating the best web-page about adding foldback to an M-3. Excellent work, great pictures, the true web-reference for the M-3 (or other spinet) owner with the time and patience to undertake a project like this.
Tone On Wheels
My friend Richard Vernon in Ottawa rents, buys, sells and repairs Hammond organs, Leslie speakers and other musical equipment. Tone On Wheels services Eastern Ontario and Western Québec, including Montreal.
Pacific T.V.
John in Victoria, BC, Canada is one of my regular tube suppliers. He has a huge inventory of old and new tubes and related parts. You won't find a nicer place to shop. The website also contains a large selection of schematics for vintage tube gear.
If you need a Hammond/Leslie technician in the country music capital of the world, Nashville TN, give my friend Murph a call. He also rents out equipment.
Electronic Instrument Service
The legendary Bob Schleicher's shop in Oakland, California is still providing Hammond/Leslie service in the Bay area. Bob's solid state Leslie relays have become an industry standard.
The Hammond-Leslie FAQ
An extensive online-FAQ about Hammonds and Leslies. The document is maintained by Marc Mercier.
Goff Professional
Goff Prof. is one of the best known and most respected Hammond/Leslie service and sales companies. The Goff family has been in the Hammond business for over fifty years! They have a large selection of their goods and services presented here on their site. There are also some fine technical articles among the pages.
An e-mail mailing list for the technically interested Hammond/Leslie enthusiast *and* an IRC chatroom for those of us who can't stay on topic (the technical stuff) all the time. The Hammond List, the official name of the mailing list, recently had its 10th anniversary on the LSoft server platform. If you want to join the mailing list, please visit hamtech.org for more information.
Come and visit us in the channel #hamtech on the StarChat network. If you do not have the software to enter the IRC (chat) network, you can download mIRC from here.
Vanessa Rodrigues's website
This is the website of Canadian organist Vanessa Rodrigues. She is a great talent and a good friend of mine.
Tone Wheel & Tone Cabinet Service Co.
Don Resor is a Hammond/Leslie service tech in Los Angeles, California. He services churches, studios, mortuaries and individuals in the greater LA area.
Tonewheel General
Rick Pravallet in Kansas City, MO, USA has a really nice website where you can buy replacement parts for most Hammond/Leslie repairs or rebuilds.
Fish Organs
George Fish Jr. has a business selling, buying, repairing and renting organs and Leslies. He is in the San Diego, California area.
Niels Christensen's homepage
My organ teacher and good friend Niels Christensen has made a new homepage. Check it out, Niels is a very entertaining man in every respect. On his pages you can see pictures of the M-3 that gave me my nickname - my first tonewheel Hammond.
Bullfrog Music
Regan Bull in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada specialises in selling vintage tubes, speakers, Hammond/Leslie parts (including foldback kits for spinet organs) as well as complete instruments and speakers. Tell him the captain sent ya :)
mkp.net - Martin's world
My good friend Martin, like myself born and raised on Fyn in Denmark, has a website here. Martin is not only a top-notch software developer, he is also a dedicated Hammond player and fixer. If you need your Hammond/Leslie fixed and you are in the Montreal area, Martin is your guy.
Inside the Fender Vibratone
The very first Leslie speaker was in fact called a 'Vibratone'. Later on, Don Leslie found that his speaker didn't need a brand name other than his own. In the 60's, when CBS had bought Electro Music from Don Leslie, another CBS division, Fender, started making Leslie speakers under a new name - Fender Vibratone. These small speakers were virtually identical to Leslie model 16 and 18. Check out this website for some interesting reading.
Tom Petro Organs in New Jersey
Tom Petro buys and sells organs, Leslies and parts in New Jersey, USA.
He carries most models, even the rarer ones. If your church or band needs an instrument or speaker, Tom is is just the guy to contact.
If you go to the main page there is a link at the bottom pointing to the other sites on the Tonewheel Organ web-ring.
This page was last updated: January 20, 2008