This Month
January 2008
Jan Korinek A new year, a new continent - for the first issue of 2008, we go to the old world. Jan Korinek is a prominent feature of the Czech jazz scene and has graciously agreed to be organist of the month. Personal 1. Name 2. Place(s) I call home 3. Style(s) I play 4. Current CD/project 5. A person who inspired me to play the Hammond Technical 6. Do you use a Leslie speaker? 7. Do you often play the bass line on the organ? 8. Do you use the percussion effects in your organ? 9. Do you have a drawbar setting that is your own? 10. Is there anything that defines 'your sound'? |
Artistic 11. A milestone in my Hammond organ playing career was: 12. A great recording of Hammond music not of my own: 13. Do you compose music using the organ? 14. Besides jazz, what other types of Hammond organ music do you encounter in the Czech Republic? The point is that there is not even very big Hammond Organ jazz scene here, except for one other organist-led band aside from me and my band. There is a lot of Hammond sound in funk, blues and pop of course - however none of the bands here are exclusively based on Hammond organ. They use the organ only as a background instrument together with other keys. Also, I know only a few people that own an actual tonewheel Hammond - in fact I know about two. 15. What is your website address? ++++00000++++ There is more about Jan's new CD further down the page. |
Captain Foldback repair services - check out |
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In other news
Childish release from MM&W
The album is released on Little Monster Records |
Czech please!
You can read more about the CD here: |
The 860 is back! Hammond-Suzuki introduces new miniature Leslie speakers.
Hammond-Suzuki has finally done it: Released a compact Leslie speaker, in many ways recreating the wonderful little model 860 speaker of the 70's. The new speaker models are called G27 and G37. The reason for the 'G' is that these speakers are mostly marketed towards guitarists. These new speakers are perhaps not the obvious choice for a console Hammond, but would work perfectly with any single manual 'clone' organ, such as the Hammond XK-, XB-, XE- or XM- series, as well as Nord Electro C1 or even a B-4 midi setup. Personally, I am speculating that Hammond-Suzuki wants organ players to buy the more expensive model 3300. Still, a 'clone' keyboard should have a built-in EQ that could tailor the sound for a 'G' Leslie even if these cabinets supposedly are optimized for guitar. |
Model G37 has a built-in 100W amplifier with a tube preamp. The G27 is a passive speaker. Both models contain a true Leslie horn for the treble, a 12" speaker for the lows with a smaller version of the regular bottom rotor found in the bigger speakers. The retail price is around 1000 USD for the G37 and slightly less for the amp-less G27. An interesting feature is the option of adding a 'gas pedal' to vary the rotor speed continuously. The standard way of selecting just fast or slow is of course also there. When the rotors are put to 'stop' a sensor in the horn and rotor will ensure they are both stopped with the opening facing the front of the cabinet, ensuring maximum forward sound projection. Because the G27 and G37 are marketed towards the guitar market, and not the organ market, there is no 11-pin Leslie input on either. It should not be that big a deal to figure out a suitable adapter. |
One organ record that The Captain likes
Jimmy Smith: Standards.
Blue Note, 1998. |